- I can calculate in my head
- I can recall the first ten multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10
- I can count forward and backwards in 1s, 2s, 10s and 100 up to 100
- I can count forward and backwards in 1s, 2s, 10s and 100 up to 1000
- I can recognize the place value of any digit in a whole number up to one thousand
- I can recognize the place value of any digit in a whole number up to ten thousand
- I can compare and order digits up to one thousand
- I can compare and order digits up to ten thousand
- I can state one whole number lying halfway between two whole numbers
- I can recognise and name equivalent fractions of a given fraction with denominator up to 12
- I can compare and order unit fractions up to 1/12 and position them on a number line
- I can round any whole two-digit number to the nearest ten and any three-digit number to the nearest one hundred
- I can find remainders after division (dividends of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 100)
- I can work through situations involving column addition with two-digit numbers
- I can use column addition and subtraction with two-digit numbers
- I can use column addition and subtraction with up to 3-digit numbers
- I can handle small amounts of money in classroom situations, plan an activity within a given budget and use menus, entrance tickets to work out totals and change
- I can recognise and extend simple pictorial patterns and number sequences formed by counting any positive integer in constant steps
- I can use assistive technology and other resources appropriate to this level to learn about the fundamentals of algebra
- I can make and describe right angle turns including turns between the four compass points
- I can determine a time interval (hour/half hour) from an o’clock time
- I can determine a time interval (quarter past/to) from an o’clock time
- I can read, write and use the 12-hour clock (analogue and digital) to 5 minutes
- I can estimate, measure and compare lengths
- I can estimate, measure and compare weights (masses)
- I can estimate, measure and compare capacities
- I can use assistive technology and other resources to learn about shapes (e.g. tablets & computers, Pro-bots, 2D & 3D shapes)
- I can draw the other half of a simple symmetrical object inspired by examples of symmetry in nature
- I can construct a block graph
- I can read and interpret a Carroll diagram