- I can calculate in my head
- I can recall the first ten multiples of 2 and 10
- I can classify and sort objects
- I can count reliably forward and backwards up to 20 everyday objects
- I can understand the value of each number
- I can recognise and write numerals up to 20
- I can compare and order numbers including ordinal numbers
- I can talk about, recognise and recreate simple patterns e.g. counting in 2’s and 10’s
- I can understand that a total can be made up of two parts
- I can use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting
- I can say and show ‘one more’ and ‘one less’ than a number from 1 to 9
- I can understand addition as the combination of two sets (extend to three sets)
- I can relate addition, including that of doubles, to counting on
- I can select two groups of objects to make a given total
- I can subtract from a number of objects (up to 10) by taking away
- I can understand subtraction as counting back
- I can understand subtraction as breaking apart
- I can name 3-D (solid) shapes and 2-D (flat) shapes
- I can put sets of objects and shapes in order of size
- I can talk about, recognise and recreate patterns
- I can identify symmetrical objects in the environment
- I can use language such as long/short and longer/shorter to compare two quantities
- I can understand the vocabulary associated with length and height
- I can estimate and measure length and height using nonstandard units
- I can use language such as heavier or lighter to measure and compare two or more quantities
- I can compare the weights of two objects directly, using balance scales
- I can understand and use the vocabulary related to capacity
- I can use language such as more or less to measure and compare two or more quantities, by making direct comparisons and filling and emptying containers
- I can follow instructions about positions, directions and movement
- I can recognise and use the language of movement/position/direction
- I can understand and use the vocabulary related to money
- I can sort and recognise euro coins including the one euro coin
- I can order coins starting from 1 cent going up to the highest value
- I can understand and use the vocabulary of time
- I can sequence familiar events
- I can recognise that here are seven days in a week and put them in order
- I can begin to understand the calendar
- I can read the time to the hour
- I can show the time to the hour on an analogue clock
- I can solve a given problem by sorting, classifying and organising information in simple ways
- I can discuss and explain results