Learning Outcomes Kinder 1

  • I enjoy familiarity with others
  • I can respond positively to others’ attempt to engage with me e.g. through body language such as eye contact, facial expressions, vocalizations etc.
  • I can seek attention in a variety of appropriate ways
  • I can take turns in interactions
  • I can collaborate to achieve shared goals during play
  • I seek out others to share experiences
  • I can respond positively to the feelings and wishes of others
  • I am caring and show concern towards others
  • I can start to demonstrate awareness of the rights of others
  • I am interested in other people and their stories
  • I can show a sense of fairness and respect towards others
  • I can listen to the ideas of others and respect their contributions
  • I enjoy listening to  multicultural music and stories
  • I react in positive ways to my peer’s ethnic, religious and other differences
  • I invite all peers to join in my play irrespective of their backgrounds
  • I can show progressive engagement in nursery rhymes and songs in my mother language and in a second language
  • I can recite nursery rhymes and songs in my mother language and in a second language
  • I can listen to and understand simple stories in my mother language
  • I can hold simple conversations in my mother language
  • I can listen to and begin to understand simple stories in a second language, especially when accompanied by pictures
  • I can engage with interactive toys and digital media
  • I can use technology around me e.g. press buttons, use remote controls
  • I become aware of number names through action rhymes and songs
  • I can sort objects into simple categories e.g. shape, size or colour
  • I can organise objects by similar characteristics e.g. line up cars, dolls, blocks
  • I can relate to numbers in conversation, rhymes and stories
  • I can explore and use numbers in meaningful activities e.g. concept of number, value
  • I can understand simple concepts e.g. shape and size
  • I can respond to interactions with a repertoire of communicative acts e.g. gestures, vocalization and other verbal means
  • I enjoy listening to and making music
  • I can explore and engage with digital devices and other communicative functions
  • I can join in rhymes, songs, poems and jingles
  • I am able to discover the joy of books and other printed material, including popular culture
  • I show interest in books and print in my environment
  • I can handle books and printed material with care
  • I ask for stories to be read and read again
  • I can relate to favourite stories and rhymes e.g. repeating actions, words or phrases
  • I can handle books appropriately e.g. holding book right way up, turning pages, pointing and naming some pictures
  • I can recognise my own name on personal belongings
  • I am aware of symbols/print in the environment around me
  • I can use symbols in play to convey meaning e.g. pretend to write name in a card
  • I can notice and predict the patterns of regular routines and the passing of time e.g. mealtimes, home time
  • I can use symbolic gestures with meaning e.g. pointing, wave goodbye, blow a kiss
  • I can make marks with different materials e.g. crayons, finger paint
  • I can explore associations and cause-and-effect e.g. cry and get picked up, banging, rattling, and dropping objects
  • I can remember and anticipate simple sequences e.g. Jack in the box who jumps up at the end of the story
  • I can recognise and name common objects
  • I can understand a simple sequence e.g. nest boxes, stacking rings/cups
  • I can predict the outcome of regularly occurring actions and events e.g. a knock on the door followed by somebody entering
  • I can classify and sort objects by size, shape, texture and function e.g. putting blocks of the same size together
  • I can respond positively to warm interactions
  • I can initiate communication through a range of actions e.g. through eye contact, vocalization and other communicative sounds, one word utterances, simple sentences, etc.
  • I show that I am comfortable in the company of familiar peers and adults
  • I feel safe and confident to explore my environment
  • I participate in activities and interactions in the setting I am in
  • I respond to being called by my name
  • I am attached to my primary caregiver and I show signs of preference for this person over others
  • I can indicate and express needs using gestures
  • I can indicate and express needs using words
  • I can indicate and express how I am feeling
  • I am confident to initiate play
  • I can indicate my preferences for people and activities
  • I feel confident to explore new experiences in a supervised environment
  • I can predict routines within my environment and willingly participate
  • I become increasingly independent with dressing myself
  • I become increasingly independent with feeding myself
  • I do not give up in the face of challenges but keep on trying to achieve my goals
  • I can make repeated attempts to achieve my goals
  • I am competent and confident to ask questions and make discoveries
  • I am motivated to engage with a range of learning opportunities present in my environment
  • I am confident in taking up opportunities to be creative and imaginative
  • I can apply problem solving thinking in challenging situations
  • I can approach new situations with interest and confidence
  • I can show interest in my immediate and wider environment