- I can identify similarities and differences between two or more objects e.g. using oranges and apples to find pairs, spot the difference, odd one out, what’s wrong
- I can predict and think logically, make assumptions and hypothesize, ask questions and reply to open-ended questions
- I can make connections between experiences, concepts and processes
- I can show a positive disposition towards learning, am curious and enthusiastic in my learning
- I can use play to investigate, imagine and explore ideas
- I can persist in the face of challenge
- I am motivated to peruse my interests with enthusiasm and seek answers to my questions
- I can take risks and learn from mistakes to reach my goals
- I can follow and extend my interest with enthusiasm and concentration
- I can broaden my knowledge through enquiry and discovery
- I can make connections between the experiences and understandings to make sense of the world around me
- I can manipulate resources to investigate, take apart, assemble, invent and construct
- I can respond creatively to a variety of stimuli
- I can demonstrate interest in the larger world beyond my immediate environment
- I can express and communicate ideas, thoughts and feelings through the expressive arts (music, drama, movement and art and design)
- I can thread objects, e.g. pasta, beads, small rings onto dowel rods, string, etc.
- I can build a tower independently, e.g. using 8, 9, 10 cubes
- I can manipulate a pair of scissors to cut various materials, e.g. playdough, straws, paper
- I have developed the use of a dominant hand
- I can hold a marking tool using the correct tripod grasp, e.g. paint brush, crayon, pencil
- I can draw recognisable symbols e.g. numbers letters, shapes
- I can make creative representations of experiences, stories and event, e.g. drawings, paintings, collages
- I can kick a ball forward
- I can catch an object with both hands, e.g. a medium sized balloon, ball
- I can move around with control and coordination
- I can balance well on each foot for a few seconds
- I can go up and down the stairs independently, one foot per step
- I can ride and steer a wheeled vehicle using pedals
- I can throw an object overarm whilst standing, e.g. a ball, a bean bag
- I can show comfort in the company of familiar peers
- I can show comfort it he company of familiar adults
- I can respond positively to new people in a familiar environment
- I can engage enthusiastically with new challenges in all areas of development when I feel safe
- I can feel that I belong in this setting e.g. I can name the people around me, I know where things are placed
- I can participate in daily routines e.g. I hang up my jacket and bag when I arrive at school
- I can talk about myself e.g. my likes and dislikes, my family and friends, daily experiences
- I am aware that I am accepted in the group and I feel loved
- I can approach familiar adults when I need help knowing that I will be listened to
- I can complete a task independently
- I am confident to initiate play and other activities
- I can invite others to play with me
- I can name the things that I am good at
- I can explore opportunities to test my abilities .g. caring for a pet/plant, catching a ball, drawing a picture
- I know that there are consequences if I do not respect the rules
- I can look after the resources available in my setting
- I can make good use of resources to complete given tasks
- I do not give up in the face of challenges but explore different solutions
- I can understand that I can learn from my mistakes
- I am prepared to try things out
- I am confident taking the lead in activities
- I am clear about my preferred activities and am able to make my own choices
- I make an effort to solve challenges I encounter myself before asking for support
- I can exercise self-help skills independently
- I can interpret my ideas creatively e.g. through art, music, movement and play
- I can approach new situations positively and with confidence
- I can explore my immediate environment using different approaches
- I can use various methods to solve challenging situations
- I can actively interact with others in games and activities
- I understand that I need to negotiate with others about shared activities and act accordingly
- I can regulate my own behaviour to ensure cooperation and good communication
- I can take turns and share ideas when working collaboratively in a group
- I can respond positively to others
- I can express my ideas in matters that affect me
- I can practise a variety of ways to include others
- I show interest in others and their needs
- I am able to express my opinion and listen to the opinion of others
- I can respond appropriately to the behaviours of others with guidance
- I am able to repair disagreements with my friends with some intervention
- I can take up opportunities to give my opinion re decision making in my setting
- I can recognise unfair behaviour and I am able to express myself about it
- I am aware that others have rights and duties too
- I collaborate with all children irrespective of their diverse backgrounds
- I treat peers and adults around me with respect
- I react in positive ways to others irrespective of their diverse backgrounds and needs
- I can engage in school and cultural events in a positive way
- I can understand that numerals are symbols used for quantities
- I can understand that letters represent sounds
- I can sort, match, compare and contrast, classify and seriate a wide variety of objects during play
- I can recognise and name numbers
- I can communicate independently and initiate a conversation verbally in my mother language and I can refer to a second language
- I can listen attentively and respond appropriately in my mother language and in a second language
- I can speak fluently in my mother language using a broad sequenced narrative
- I show increasing knowledge and skill in using a range of media (e.g. pictures, printed material) to convey meaning
- I can understand and use increasingly advanced and varied vocabulary
- I actively participate during story telling
- I can choose a book that appeals to my interest and look at it independently
- I can listen attentively to stories being read or narrated in my mother language and in my second language
- I can respond with relevant comments and questions related to a variety of texts
- I can retell stories or information from books through conversation, art work, creative movement, drama, emergent writing etc.
- I can predict what will happen in a story
- I can understand that print carries meaning
- I can understand that pictures can tell a story
- I can understand that there is a wide variety of print in the environment
- I can identify labels and signs in the environment
- I can understand that spoken language can be written down
- I can understand that thoughts and ideas can be represented through words, pictures and images
- I begin to understand the letter and sound relationship in Maltese
- I understand that print is organised from left to right
- I can make a variety of marks and scribbles
- I can make basic graphic representations to express my ideas for a particular purpose e.g. scribblings and drawings
- I can use symbols in play to represent ideas e.g. using a bowl as a helmet, using a marker as a microphone
- I can recognise basic colours
- I can understand basic concepts of shapes
- I can understand he basic concepts of numbers
- I can understand the basic concepts of signs
- I can discriminate between different sounds in my environment
- I have learnt to see symbols as a means of representation e.g. numbers, letters, signs
- I can listen and respond to sounds and patterns (in speech, stories, rhymes and songs)
- I can use my mother language to achieve my communicative goals
- I can recite a selection of songs, rhymes and stories in both my mother tongue and in my second language
- I can tell the difference between words in my mother tongue and my second language
- I can use different languages (my mother tongue, my second language, sign language, pictures or gestures) to communicate with different people and in different situations
- I can follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities e.g. visually, auditory, sensory
- I am comfortable using everyday technology e.g. Interactive White Board, touch screen, robot