Looking Ahead
St Francis School strives to maintain a learning environment that nurtures honesty, respect and co-operation and to guide our students to become caring and productive life-long learners. The school’s mission statement states: “We nourish a commitment of integral growth by focusing on Christian values, and on the student’s intellectual, social, moral, physical and spiritual development.” This is our aim – that our students may be imbued with the Christian values in such a way that they are clearly expressed in all they do.
The school expects its students to be responsible for their behaviour and to follow its Code of Conduct, established to maintain order and a favourable academic atmosphere in the school. We ask our students and their parents to help us achieve this aim by taking a deep interest in the environment where the students spend a good part of their day. Together we can work to ensure that each one of our students is provided with the best possible education.
The school aims not only to help students achieve maximum development of knowledge, skills and competence, but also to help them develop behaviour patterns which will enable them to be responsible, contributing members of society. Acceptable behaviour is essential to the development of responsible and self-disciplined citizens. All our
students should feel proud of their school. Positive behaviour is based on respect for one’s self and for the worth and dignity of others. This is what we desire of our students, so that the school may be proud of them too.