Year 3

Home » School Information » Love to Learn » Year 1 – 6 » Numeracy » Year 3
  • I can calculate in my head
  • I can recall the first ten multiples of 2,4,5 and 10
  • I can recognise and extend simple pictorial patterns and number sequences formed by counting any positive integer in constant steps
  • I can estimate, measure and compare lengths
  • I can estimate, measure and compare weights
  • I can estimate, measure and compare capacities
  • I can use standard units of time and know the relationships between them
  • I can draw hands on the clock face to show the hour and half hour
  • I can draw hands on the clock face to show the quarter past/to
  • I can read and use a calendar
  • I can use assistive technology (e.g. tablets, Bee-bots) and other resources (e.g. 2D and 3D plastic shapes) to learn about transformation geometry
  • I can sort and classify simple 2D shapes (polygons) using their various properties
  • I can recognise and name the simple 3D shapes, the cube and the cuboid
  • I can recognise and name other 3D shapes. beside the cube and the cuboid
  • I can distinguish between right, left, up and down and can move an object in each of these directions
  • I can also describe the movement of the object in each of these directions
  • I can collect, sort, organise (including tally)  and classify data in a table
  • I can count backward in 5s and 10s, starting from any whole number up to  hundred (100)
  • I can recognise and name half of a whole shape, divided into two equal parts
  • I can recognise and name one quarter of whole shape which is divided into four equal parts
  • I can recognise and name other fractions of a whole shape divided into equal parts
  • I can use assistive technology (e.g. tablets and computers) and other resources (e.g. fraction wall, euro coins, Unifix cubes) to calculate and to learn about numerical calculations
  • I can recognise, read and position whole numbers up to fifty (50) on a number line
  • I can recognise, read and position whole numbers up to one hundred (100) on a number line
  • I can recognise, read and position whole numbers greater than one hundred (100) on a number line
  • I can recognise the place value of any digit in a whole number up to one hundred (100)
  • I can count forward in 2s and 5s, starting from any whole number up to hundred (100)
  • I can give a rough estimate of the answer of such situations and I can check the reasonableness of the answer
  • I can work out totals up to 1 euro and give the correct change
  • I can work out a small difference by counting up from the smaller to the larger number up to fifty
  • I can work out a small difference by counting up from the smaller to the larger number up to one hundred
  • I can work a small difference by counting up from the smaller to the larger number which is greater than one hundred
  • I can derive all pairs of 100 in multiples of 5
  • I can derive all pairs of 100 in multiples of 100
  • I can recognise that multiplication of 2 and 4 is multiple groups (repeated additions)
  • I can recognise that multiplication of 5 and 10 is multiple groups (repeated additions)
  • I can recognise that multiplication of 3 is multiple groups (repeated additions)
  • I associate division as equal sharing (x2, x4)
  • I associate division as equal sharing (x5, x10)
  • I associate division as equal sharing (x3)
  • I can work through simple one-step situations using addition (up to a total of 100) subtraction (within 100)
  • I can work through simple one-step situations using multiplication (x2, x4, x5, x10) and/or division (÷2, ÷4, ÷5, ÷10, no remainders)