Biographical Profile
28th Nov.
Virginia De Brincat was born at Kercem (Gozo), the sixth of 11 children, and baptized on the same day at the mother church of St. George at Rabat – Victoria.
8th Dec.
Virginia De Brincat is accepted in the association of the “Stars of the Heart of Jesus”, whose director was Fr. Joseph Diacono.
15th Aug.
The first eight “Stars” start to form part of the religious association of the Franciscan Tertiaries founded by Fr. Joseph Diacono.
1st Sep.
The bishop of Gozo, Mgr. Peter Pace, approves the new Institute of the Franciscan Tertiaries, the first nucleus of the future Congregation.
05th Feb.
Virginia De Brincat is accepted in the Association of the Franciscan Tertiaries at 54, GhajnQatet Street, Rabat (Victoria).
20th Feb.
Virginia De Brincat takes her religious clothing and is given the name Mistress Virginia of the Blessed Margherita.
15th Jan.
The “House of Charity”, the seat of the Franciscan Tertiaries, is transferred to 10, Palm Street, Rabat (Victoria).
17th Aug.
Mistress Virginia makes her temporary profession.
15th Aug.
Mistress Virginia is appointed general Secretary.
01st Jan.
The opening of the second house at Qala (Gozo), where Fr. Joseph Diacono was parish priest..
31st May
The opening of a house at Birkirkara, the first on the island of Malta.
15th Aug.
Mistress Virginia drafts the first regulations of the Franciscan Tertiaries , directly elaborated by them.
07th May
The bishop of Gozo, Mgr. Peter Pace, hands over to the Franciscan Tertiaries the new Rule and the Constitutions, which he himself had prepared.
06th Mar.
Mistress Virginia is elected Principal Superior (Primaria) of the Franciscan Tertiaries, instead of Rosanna Gauci who returned home to assist her sick mother.
Fr. Joseph Diacono, founder and spiritual director of the Franciscan Tertiaries, definitely hands over the guidance of the Tertiaries to Mistress Virginia.
08th Dec.
The Perpetual profession of Mistress Virginia, who becomes Sister Margherita of the Sacred Heart.
10th Jun.
Mother Margherita is elected general Superior in the first general Chapter of the Franciscan Tertiaries.
06th Jun.
Mother Margherita is re-elected general Superior in the second general Chapter.
03rd Jun.
In the third general Chapter, Mother Margherita is re-elected general Superior.
28th Aug.
Mother Margherita submits to Pope Leone XIII the first petition to obtain the DecretumLaudis for the Congregation.
27th May
In the fourth general Chapter, the term of office of general Superior expires for Mother Margherita and she assumes that of general Vicar.
12th Oct.
Decree of aggregation of the Congregation to the Order of the Friars Minor.
05th Mar.
In the fifth extraordinary general Chapter Mother Margherita is re-elected general Superior instead of Mother RosaliaVella.
28th Jan.
In the sixth general Chapter, Mother Margherita is confirmed in the office of general Superior.
01st Apr.
The opening of a house in Corf (Greece), the first beyond the Maltese Islands, is approved by the general Council.
03rd Jun.
Mother Margherita renounces to her re-election as general Superior.
15th Jun.
Mother Margherita is appointed superior of the house in Corf.
28th May
In the eighth general Chapter, Mother Margherita is re-elected general Superior for the sixth and last time.
20th Jul.
Mother Margherita forwards a second petition to Pope Benedict XV to obtain the DecretumLaudis for the Congregation.
06th Aug.
Mgr. John Camilleri, bishop of Gozo, approves the rule of the Congregation, updated in conformity to the Code of Canon Law which had come into force on 1st January 1918.
17th Sep.
Mother Margherita is received in an audience by Pope Benedict XV.
30th Sep.
Pope Pius XI nominates Cardinal OresteGiorgi Protector of the Congregation.
20th Apr.
Acceptance of the House of Adoration at Valletta (Malta), offered by the archbishop Mauro Caruana.
21st May
In the ninth general Chapter Mother Margherita terminates her office as general Superior. She will constantly remain a member of the general Council, as Councillor.
06th Apr.
Mother Margherita is appointed first superior of the House of Adoration in Valletta.
22nd Jul.
Fr. Joseph Diacono dies at Rabat (Victoria – Gozo) assisted by Mother Margherita.
21st May
The opening of the house in Rome, in which Mother Margherita was interested since 1922.
10th Sep.
The opening of a house in Sofi (Ethiopia), the first step towards the spreading of the Congregation outside the European continent.
21st Nov.
Mother Margherita is appointed first superior of the new house at Xaghra – CasalCaccia (Gozo).
28th Aug.
Mother Margherita is in Rome to take the place of the mistress of novices (Sr. DionisiaThomis) who is sick. In February 1933 she returns to Xaghra.
20th Apr.
Mother Margherita is reconfirmed superior at Xaghra.
02nd Jul.
The Holy See concedes the DecretumLaudisto the Congregation.
27th Sep.
Mother Margherita is reappointed superior at Xaghra.
14th Jan.
Mother Margherita’s first heart failure. Similar attacks of this kind repeat themselves often throughout the following years.
16th Mar.
Mother Margherita leaves Xaghra and is transferred to the Mother House.
02nd Apr.
Mother Margherita asks to be exempted from the office of superior of Xaghra and of general Councillor: the second request is only partly accepted.
23rd Dec.
The Congregation becomes of pontifical right with the Holy See’s definite approval of the Constitutions.
22nd Jan.
Mother Margherita dies at the Mother House (Victoria – Gozo).
14th May
The recognition of Mother Margherita’s remains by the bishop of Gozo, Mgr. Nicola G. Cauchi, on the occasion of their transfer to a niche in the crypt of the church annexed to the Mother House.
27th Jan.
Cardinal PietroPalazzini, Prefect of the Congregation for the causes of Saints, grants the “nullaosta“ for the opening of Mother Margherita’s cause of canonization.
07th Jul.
The bishop of Gozo. Mgr. Nicola G. Cauchi, officially opens Mother Margherita’s process of canonization.
22nd Jan.
The diocesan process having been concluded, the subsequent phase is initiated at the Congregation of the Saints in Rome.
The Cause of Canonization is passed over to the Relator, Rev. P. Ambrogio Eszer OP.
04th Mar.
Official presentation to the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints of the Positio, the documentation on what the witnesses testified about the life and virtues of the Servant of God.
13th Apr.
The Theological Consultants, entrusted by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, vote affirmatively on the Cause in recognition of the heroic virtues of the Servant of God, Madre Margherita.
21st Jan.
The Cardinals and Bishops, presided by Cardinal J. Harvey, vote in favour of the Recommendation of a Decree of Heroic Virtues presented to them by the Theological Consultants.
27th Jan.
Cardinal Angelo Amato, S.D.B., Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, has a private meeting with the Holy See, Pope Francis, who authorises the Congregation to issue a Decree for Madre Margherita to be declared Venerable.