- I can calculate in my head
- I can recall the first ten multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10
- I can follow instructions about positions, directions and movement on grids ( e.g. PE, games, online activities, Maths trails)
- I can recognise and use the language of movement
- I can recognise and use the language of position
- I can recognise and use the language of direction
- I can recognise right and left
- I can recognise whole and half turns
- I can talk about things that turn ( e.g. clock hands, roamers, cars, myself)
- I can programme, give instructions to someone else during games and other activities ( inc. use of BeeBot)
- I can create models and, or draw using positional vocabulary
- I can solve a given problem by sorting, classifying and organising information in simple ways
- I can discuss and explain results
- I can sort objects or pictures in distant categories ( categories can be identified by the teacher or by myself)
- I can sort objects or pictures in a list or simple table
- I can read and use tally marks to represent data collected in tables
- I can count reliably forward and backward up to 30 everyday objects
- I can say and use the number names in order in familiar contexts such as number rhymes, songs, stories, counting games and activities/ first to five, then ten, then twenty and beyond
- I can say the value of each number from 1 to 10, then of each digit in any number up to 30
- I can compare and order numbers to at least 30, and position them on a number line
- I can estimate the amount of objects, up to 30
- I can count on and back in steps of 1s, 2s, 5s and 3s (up to 30) and in 10s (up to 100)
- I can read and write numerals from 0 to 30
- I can talk about, recognise and extend or recreate simple number patterns ( constant steps)
- I can use a number line and a number grid
- I can say a number which lies between two given numbers ( up to 30)
- I can use the = sign to represent equality
- I can explore all pairs of numbers with a total of 10: and their corresponding subtraction facts
- I can add doubles of all numbers to at least 5 ( up to a total of 10)
- I can add up to 3 sets of concrete items ( and relate to addition)
- I can identify the number that is 1 or 10 more or less than any given number within the range 0 to 30
- I can identify the number that is 10 more or less than any given multiple of 10 ( within 100)
- I can use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting ( including take away, less, more)
- I can use language such as heavier or lighter to compare two quantities, then more than two, by making direct comparisons of masses
- I can measure mass using uniform non-standard units
- I can use language such as more or less to compare two quantities, then more than two, by making direct comparisons and filling and emptying containers
- I can measure capacity using uniform non-standard units
- I can measure length using uniform non-standard units
- I can use language such as long, short and longer, shorter… to compare two quantities
- I can use the vocabulary of time
- I can read the time to the hour ( on an analogue and digital clock)
- I can show the time to the hour ( on an analogue and digital clock)
- I can construct a clock face
- I can order familiar events in time using a timeline
- I can measure duration of time through experience
- I can say the days of the week ( in order) and the seasons of the year
- I can sort, order and recognise euro coins including the one euro coin
- I can listen to stories, poems or songs that will give me the opportunity to reinforce understanding, allow for application and may also provide the opportunity for creation e.g role play
- I can work out totals up to twenty cent
- I can work out change from twenty cent
- I can recognise notation € for euro and c for cent
- I can recognise the square, the rectangle, the triangle and the circle in different orientations
- I can recognise the cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone and pyramid in different orientations
- I can put sets of objects and shapes in order of size
- I can talk about, recognise and recreate patterns
- I can identify symmetrical objects in the environment
- I can compare and contrast 2D and 3D shapes
- I can complete the missing half of a symmetrical shape, picture or pattern using mirrors, shape construction kits, drawing
- I can recognise and draw the line of symmetry of familiar objects and shapes around them
- I can talk about 3D shapes ( straight edges only) and their properties ( e.g. the number and shapes of faces, edges and corners)
- I can talk about 2D shapes( straight sides only) and their properties ( .g. the number of sides and corners)
- I can make patterns and pictures with 2D shapes using construction kits, geoboards, playdough and other materials and describe them
- I can make models using various 3D shapes from real life and describe them
- I can predict and recognise hidden or partially hidden shapes ( e.g. in feely bag or covered with a piece of cloth) by using the sense of touch