- knows that animals have body systems
- recognizes that knowledge on food groups help us build healthy diets
- is able to observe differences between plants and animals
- knows that the environment is a system that can be harmed
- is able to measure temperature, rainfall, wind speed and direction
- is aware that gravity is the force which pulls things down
- knows that air resistance can slow down the movement of objects
- knows that a switch can be used to stop electric current from flowing
- is aware that switches are designed in a variety of ways
- understands that some materials let sound pass through them while others reflect sound
- knows that light travels in straight lines
- knows that some materials let light pass through them
- is aware of the effect of a magnifying glass
- knows that materials can change from one state to another
- knows that some materials occur naturally while others do not
- knows that the moon is a satellite of Earth and that other planets have moons
- knows that the sun is one of many stars in our galaxy