
  • identifies that the body has many muscles and knows what their purpose is
  • has knowledge of specific muscle groups eg. Triceps, biceps (introduced in Year 5), pectorals (introduced in Year 4)
  • performs activities to achieve strong muscles using own body weight as resistance as well as free weights eg. bottles of water
  • remembers the correct procedure for lifting heavy
  • understand the meaning of arteries and veins and their function in the body 
  • knows where to find the heartbeat – wrist and neck
  • identifies the effects of rest and exercise on the heart and has knowledge of activities and habits that are harmful to the heart
  • understands how to measure the heartbeat – at rest, during and after exercise
  • identifies activities that are considered as aerobic exercises (using oxygen)
  • performs aerobic exercises during warm-up session
  • is capable of doing an endurance challenge eg. a 9 minute walk/run
  • understands the meaning of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and their function
  • identifies habits that are healthy for the body – exercise, healthy eating, cleanliness and hygiene, adequate rest
  • is aware of the damage done to the body by the use of drugs, alchohol and cigarettes
  • identifies the meaning of stretching, its benefits and the correct procedures when doing them 
  • performs proper stretching excercises during the warm-up session
  • is capable of holding a stretch position for 25-30 seconds
  • is aware of proper planning of distribution of energy reserves during endurance walking and running
  • is showing an improvement in his/her sprinting ability and speed
  • is aware of running/sprinting in a straight line and turning close to a cone for a shorter distance
  • is hurdling with the best of his/her ability
  • is capable of performing a standing triple jump – hop, skip and jump
  • has good throwing skills 
  • is able to travel using a combination of running and jumping
  • is able to link a run, jump, roll and an action using hands and feet
  • performs a roll both slowly and quickly
  • performs three different rolls, alternating slow, quick, slow
  • is able to do a sit spin
  • is able to link a roll, a jump and a spinning action
  • has good balancing skills
  • can do forward roll with a dive
  • can do a backward roll
  • is able to jump and turn in mid air
  • is able to jump sideways, taking off from one foot and landing on two feet
  • is able to do a sequence of different jumps
  • knows how to do a combination of jumps with a roll in between eg. Jump showing one body shape, roll and jump again showing a different body shape
  • can take weight on hands and head while doing a headstand
  • can take weight on hands while doing a handstand
  • can take weight on hands while doing a cartwheel
  • is capable of doing shadowing / mirroring
  • shows good racket skills with good positioning of body
  • shows good reception skills when receiving a ball – knowledge of short and long balls, low and high balls, hitting ball over net
  • shows good offensive and defensive skills in hockey – using the various techniques learnt in previous years
  • shows good offensive and defensive strategies in ball games  ( basketball, friends etc) using the various passes learnt over the years as well as correct body positioning 
  • knows how to use space during games involving teamwork
  • shares the ball and game responsibilities with team mates
  • adheres to rules during games involving teamwork