Mental |
- able to find the difference between two numbers
- knows how to add or subtract the nearest multiple of 10, 100 1000, then adjust
- knows how to add several numbers
- able to half and double whole and decimal numbers
- uses number facts and place value to work multiplication and division
Number and Algebra |
- recognizes and extends number sequences
- counts on in steps of 0.1, 0.2, 0.25, 0.5 …. And then back
- knows by heart all multiplication facts at least up to 10 x 10
- able to derive promptly division facts corresponding to tables up to 10 x 10
- able to find the squares of multiples of 10 to 100 (e.g. 60 x 60)
- knows how to double decimal numbers
- knows how to halve decimal numbers
- knows how to double and half multiples of 10 to 1000
- recognizes multiples up to 10 x 10
- knows and applies simple tests of divisibility
- can find simple common multiples
- can multiply and divide decimals by 10 or 100
- knows the meaning of estimation and approximation
- able to round an integer to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000
- knows how to order a set of integers less than 1 million
- is able to reduce a fraction to its simplest form
- able to order fractions by converting them to fractions with a common denominator
- uses division to find a fraction of a number (e.g. ⅗ of 60)
- knows what each digit in a number represents, up to three decimal places
- knows how to find a decimal fraction between two other decimal fractions
- able to order a mixed set of numbers or measurements up to three decimal places
- able to round a number with two decimal places to the nearest tenth or whole number
- recognizes the equivalence between the decimal and fraction forms
- understands that percentage is a number of parts in every 100
- knows how to express simple fractions as percentages
- able to find simple percentages of small whole-number quantities (e.g. 10% of €40)
- able to express a quotient as a fraction or as a decimal
- able to round up or down after division depending on the context
- knows how to multiply 3-digit numbers by a single digit number
- knows how to multiply 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
- knows how to divide 3-digit numbers by a single digit number
- knows how to divide 3-digit numbers by a2-digit numbers
- knows how to divide decimal numbers
- knows how to countercheck his/her work
Measures, shape and space |
- can use standard metric units, including abbreciations and knows relationship between them
- can convert larger to smaller units and vice versa
- knows how to estimate and measure length, mass and capacity
- able to measure and draw lines to the nearest millimeter
- can record estimates and readings from scales accurately
- able to measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectangle and of regular polygons
- able to find the area of a rectangle
- able to calclate the perimeter and area of simple compound shapes that can be split into rectangles
- able to use units of time
- can read the time and use 24-hour clock notation
- can read and understand timetables
- able to classify triangles (isosceles, scalene etc) using criteria
- able to classify solids according to their properties
- able to draw shapes with increasing accuracy
- able to identify different nets of 3-D shapes
- able to complete symmetrical patterns with two lines of symmetry
- can identify and estimate acute and obtuse angles
- able to measure angles in degrees
- able to draw acute and obtuse angles
- able to calculate angles in a triangle and around a point
Data Handling |
- able to solve problems by representing and interpreting data in tables, charts, graphs and diagrams
- able to find the mean of a set of data
- knows how to draw and read a pictogram
- knows how to draw and read a bar chart
- is able to draw a graph or chart from a table and vice versa
Problem Solving |
- able to solve simple problems involving proportion
- uses appropriate number operations to solve problems
- uses appropriate ways of calculating
- explains methods and reasoning in writing
- can identify and use appropriate operations to solve problems including money or measures – including time