
  • identifies more specific muscle groups eg. Biceps and their purpose (for instance to bring wrist towards shoulder)
  • performs activities to achieve strong muscles ( using own body weight as well as free weights) in particular exercises to do with biceps eg. Biceps curls
  • remembers the correct procedure for lifting objects i.e. squatting down and keeping back straight
  • understands effects of exercise on heart and the respiratory system
  • understands the meaning of endurance and endurance exercises eg. A 9 minute walk/run
  • is aware of body composition and knows how one can lose, maintain or gain weight
  • remembers what healthy habits are – regular activity, healthy eating, adequate rest, cleanliness and hygiene, avoiding smoking, alcohol and drugs
  • is aware of the fact that sport can be a substitute for bad habits
  • is aware of the importance of rest before, during and after exercise
  • identifies the meaning of stretching and flexibility and their importance (failure to exercise the joints through the full range of motion can lead to tightening and to shortening of muscles)
  • performs the correct procedures for safe stretching
  • is able to stretch until a mild tension is felt and holds stretched position for 20-25 seconds
  • is able to jump over or go under obstacles eg. during an obstacle race
  • knows how to do a proper change-over while sprinting  eg. passing quoit in a  relay race
  • can jump over the highest point of hurdles
  • is able to jump for height eg. scissors jump
  • is able to jump sideways using proper transfer of weight
  • is able to travel using a combination of body parts and actions eg. travelling using hands and feet then roll, spinning stepping and rolling
  • can roll and finish in various body positions
  • can roll forward and finish in a standing position
  • can roll forward and finish with a  stretch or turning jump
  • can perform a full turn jump, land and roll forwards
  • can roll backwards
  • can take weight on hands and head while doing a headstand
  • can take weight on hands while doing a handstand
  • can take weight on hands while doing a cartwheel
  • can jump and show differentdynamic body shapes in the air eg. tucked position
  • can run and jump high and far eg. participating in long and high jumps’ games
  • is able to practice jumps with a partner as obstacle
  • is able to strike a ball with a racket using the underhand serve
  • is able to aim at targets, in different directions and levels
  • has good body movements whilst serving – posture, positioning, eye/hand coordination, follow-through
  • shows reception and striking skills during partnerwork
  • is able to do a reverse-stick trap and tackle (holding hockey stick reversely to your left) with the proper body movement i.e. turning and bending upper body, bending low and stretching
  • is able to perform slow passing for trapping and light tackling in partnerwork
  • is able to pass the ball quickly upon catching it
  • remembers how to do a swinging pass (introduced in Year 4) with the proper technique – bending of knees, twisting of trunk to give direction to the ball, correct position of hands round the ball for a good grip, follow -through.
  • shows constant physical and mental awareness during ball games eg. Basketball
  • shares the ball and game responsibilities with team mates
  • knows the proper technique and body movements when throwing ball in basket i.e. Bending knees down for control, correct positioning of hands round the ball for a good grip, follow through after passing
  • adheres to rules during games involving teamwork