  • is able to listen attentively to a text with direct information, instruction or direction
  • is able to listen to others while working in groups
  • shows attention during story telling sessions, poetry and drama
  • is able to understand informaion from various texts
  • is able to answer questions about the text
  • is able to read stories, facts, instructon, reference boks, newspaper reports and periodicals
  • is able to read various texts in front of an audience
  • is able to read in groups
  • reads expressively – using correct tonality, diction and eloquence
  • shows preference towards a particular genre
  • shows understanding while reading
  • can speak about what he/she has seen or heard
  • is capable of discussing topics during group work
  • is capable of giving presentation in class
  • shows interest while talking about various experiences
  • is able to narrate a story that he/she has read or heard
  • is able to use the correct vacabulary appropriately to communicate facts, ideas and opinions
  • is able to produce captions, slogans, adverts and notices
  • is able to write or continue a dialogue
  • knows how to write a letter
  • knows how to fill in a form with personal data
  • has developed an increasing bank of words
  • is able to plan writing with the aid of a web
  • writes in a coherent and cohesive manner
  • uses gramatically correct sentences
  • shows increasing creativity in writing