- knows the basic needs of animals
- recognizes the importance of eating a balanced diet
- knows that plants needs air, water and light to stay alive
- knows that plants and animals in a habitat depend upon each other
- is able to record the weather over a period of time
- knows about renewable and non-renewable energy
- knows that there is a force of friction actinng between any two surfaces
- knows that the force of friction is larger/smaller according to the smoothness of the surfaces
- knows that magnets have two poles that attract and repulse
- knows that some materials are attracted to magnets while others are not
- is aware that some materials in a circuit allow a bulb to light while others do not
- knows that sound travels in all directions
- knows that some changes can be reversed while others cannot
- knows that the same material can have different uses
- knows that our planet Earth is one of the nine known planets in our Solar System
- knows that there are other planets in space