• Listening
  • Is able to listen attentively to a text with direct information, instructions or directions
  • Shows that he/she has understood info from various texts
  • shows that he/she is able to answer questions about the text listened to
  • able to comment/react on other’s opinion
  • shows interest in listening to stories on different media
  • knows how to work in a group, contributing and listening to others’ contribution
  • Reading
  • is able to read stories, rhymes, poems and drama scripts
  • is able to extract and memorize simple idiomatic expressions from texts 
  • reads expressively – using correct tonality, diction and fluency
  • is able to read a given text infront of an audience
  • shows that the info derived from reading is being stored to use in writing and conversation
  • is aware of the different characteristics of different genres
  • shows that he/she knows the difference between episode, chapter, article, notice, advertisement, slogan, caption, and is able to deduce the message each one conveys
  • shows confidence in reading previously unseen texts
  • knows how to change tonality when reading out loud, also using body language, to help the audience understand better
  • knows how to summarize what has been read, both verbally and in writing
  • Oral
  • can speak about what he/she has seen or heard
  • is capable of narrating an experience, an actual event in short
  • is able of giving instructions and directions regarding activities or practical work
  • shows coherence of thought when commmenting
  • is able to compare and contrast pictures
  • able to answer questions on current affairs or personal experiences during an interview
  • is able to predict endings to stories
  • Writing
  • is able to use the correct vocabulary appropriately to communicate facts, ideas, opinions
  • is able to make a plan which helps him/her to form paragraphs for simple compositions
  • is able to write a series of sentences on a given picture
  • is able to write a number of sentences to finish a story, giving his/her own ending
  • is able to construct some creative writing from words/phrases  given
  • capable of writing a message in a caption, in a slogan, in an advertisement
  • capable of continuing a dialogue with a few sentences, following the sequence of events, and the line of thought as expressed in the text
  • capable of writing a short letter of invitation, of gratitude or of wishes
  • capable of using a vast bank of vocabulary and idiomatic expressions in his/her writing
  • is able to check his/her work and make the necessary corrections
  • shows an ability for creative writing through sequential sentences and using correct grammar and idiomatic expressions