ICT Management Ability
  • Knows how to use the cut, copy and paste facilities to manipulate text within the same application
  • Knows how to use the cut, copy and paste facilities to manipulate text across different applications
  • Knows how to export and import graphics across different applications
  • Is able to retrieve and amend previously stored work
  • Knows how to edit text, including the use of Copy and Paste
  • Knows how to use the Caps Lock key for continuous capitals
  • Knows how to open, save, close and print files
  • Is able to use use the sound recording facility
  • Is aware that a series of pics with text and sound can be used to tell a story
Comunicating Information Ability
  • Knows how to prepare a slide show, combining text, images and sound
  • Knows how to send, receive and reply to e-mails 
Handling Info Ability
  • Knows how to browse and navigate CD-Roms to find particular info 
  • Knows how to use a spreadsheet to enter info into rows and columns
  • Is able to print a table
Controlling and Modelling ability
  • Uses appropriate vocabulary for instructions given
Searching and Researching
  • Knows how to access info on a CD-Rom
  • Knows how to browse a range of bookmarked sites
  • Is able to access the World Wide Web, to look for info on a given topic
  • Is aware of the dangers in using the WWW and understands that rules of conduct must be obeyed