• counts, reads and writes in order whole numbers to at least 100, from and back to zero
  • knows what each digit represents (including 0 as a place holder)
  • describes and extends simple number sequences (including odd/even numbers, counting on or back in ones or tensfromany two-digit number etc)
  • rounds numbers less than 100 to the nearest 10
  • understands that subtraction is the inverse of addition
  • knows by heart all addition facts for each number to at least 10
  • know by heart all subtraction facts of each number to at least 10
  • uses knowledge that addition can be done in any order to do mental calculation more efficiently
  • understands the operation of multiplication as repeated addition or as describing an array
  • knows and uses halving as the inverse of doubling
  • knows by heart facts for the 2,5 and 10 multiplication tables
  • estimates, measures and compares lengths using standard units (suggest suitable units and equipment)
  • estimates, measures and compares  masses using standard units (suggest suitable units and equipment)
  • estimates, measures and compares capacities using standard units (suggest suitable units and equipment)
  • reads a simple scale to the nearest labelled division, including using a ruler to draw and measure lines to the nearest centimetre
  • uses the mathematical names for common 3-D shapes (cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere, cone and pyramid)
  • uses the mathematical names for common 2-D shapes (square, rectangle, circle, triangle, pentagon, hexagon)
  • sorts shapes and describes some of their features (number of faces, edges, corners)
  • reads, on an analogue clock, the time to the hour
  • reads on an analogue clock, the time to the half hour
  • reads on a 12-hour clock the time to the hour
  • reads on a 12-hour clock the time to the half hour
  • knows the days of the week in order in either English or Maltese
  • knows the months of the year in order in either English or Maltese
  • uses mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement
  • uses mental strategies to solve simple problems set in ‘real life’, money or measurement contexts, using counting, addition, subtraction, halving/doubling and is able to explain methods and reasoning orally
  • recognise all coins and beging to use €.c notation for money 
  • uses all coins in ‘real life’ situations to find a total and give change