- follows and implements more than one command/instruction
- able to recall pictures/sentences/poems
- relates a coherent story in response to a set of pictures in sequence
- uses language appropriately to express needs
- uses language appropriately to communicate with peers in non-structured situations
- orally identifies rhyme in spoken words
- orally segments bisyllabic and polysyllabic words into syllables
- orally identifies and counts sounds within words
- orally substitutes and manipulates sounds within words
- able to blend sounds to identify target words
- shows familiarity with some basic rules governing word spelling and word reading
- reads monosllabic and polysyllabic words in isolation
- reads monosllabic and polysyllabic words in context
- reads compound words in isolation and in context
- confidently decodes high frequency words used regularly
- understands that individual words contribute to a whole sentence
- writes legibly using upper and lower case
- writes simple sentences using both high frequency words and regular words
- writes a few sentences or short paragraph about a picture sequence in logical sequence
- understands and makes use of basic punctuation when writing a sentence
- uses appropriate tonality when reading
- reads accurately and confidently from unseen reading material of average class level
- understands unseen reading material of average class level
- able to infer meaning from text and predict outcomes