ICT Management Ability |
- Knows that info can be saved on or removed from a CD-ROM or pen drive
- Knows that info saved on a CD-Rom or Pendrive can be accessed
- Is aware that the hard disk contains files which can easily be assessed by double clicking on their icon
- Knows that Yes, No or Cancel buttons have to be clicked on when exiting software or saving files
- Is able to identify certain punctuation characters on the keyboard and use them accordingly
- Knows that commands can be identified and given through the pull down menus
Comunicating Information Ability |
- Knows that it is possible to change things by rubbing out and redoing
- Knows how to colour in an enclosed area using the fill tool
- Is able to enter letters into a word processor using the keyboard
- Knows how to print and save work without support
- Knows how to correct and improve work
- Knows how to type sentences and insert images to accompany his/her writing
Handling Info Ability |
- Knows how to use pics to record and represent info (using Kid Pix )
- Controlling and Modelling ability
- Is able to program Bee-bot to follow a specific route
- Uses appropriate vocabulary for the directions given
Searching and Researching |
- Is able to visit various sites to learn different subjects, with the teacher’s support