- uses short-term memory to recall sentences, anecdotes, poems, songs, rhymes etc.
- identifies and manipulates sounds in the various positions within a word
- relates a story in response to a set of pictures or in relation to an event which took place recently
- uses language to express him/herself adequately to interact with others
- understands the concept of ‘past actions’
- reads, without hesitation, a further extended list of high frequency and irregular words
- identifies and reads the more complex word patterns
- has developed awareness of teh silent words ‘b’, ‘k’, ‘h’
- uses knowledge of the alphabet sequence for the different contexts eg. Dictionary, directory, class lists
- appreciates that different kinds of information can be acquired through reading
- understands the implications of comparative and superlative adjectives
- forms confidently the plural of the different word endings and irregular words
- reads and writes out verbs in the past tense and has awareness of the sounds ‘ed’ in its different environments
- writes / responds to basic questions
- transforms and extends simple sentences to complex and compound sentences
- spells correctly core sets of more advanced irregular words, and knows how to tackle unfamiliar words
- shows comprehension of paragraphs via short written answers
- reads and comprehends basic rubrics and instructions
- writes a short paragraph / short story
- appreciates the role of punctuation both when reading sentences and paragraphs
- identifies the ‘bits’ which have been added on to the root word
- reads and understands unfamiliar reading books, of average class level, without making more than 5 errors
- understands and elaborates on what has been read in books aimed at the average 7 year-old