- able to follow basic instructions
- understands and responds to basic questions
- is able to express his/her basic needs
- able to produce some sentences about him/herself orally
- shows interest in listening and responding to short stories and rhymes
- able to recall rhymes and short sentences
- is aware of the difference between a letter and a word both visually and aurally
- able to sequence pictures
- identifies first and last sounds in spoken words
- is able to segment a word into syllables orally
- is able to identify the onset and rime in words
- blends the sounds in monosyllabic words to produces target words
- identifies and counts sounds in words orally
- able to manipulate sounds in words orally
- identifies and writes blends in isolation and in words
- able to associate a letter name or sound with a symbol
- understands that a different sound leads to different word meanings
- confidently reads and writes regular CVC words
- confidently reads and writes words with initial and final blends
- confidently reads and writes words with basic word patterns
- decodes irregular (sight) words used regularly
- writes high frequency words correctly
- has appropriate pencil grip
- forms letters appropriately
- writes freely to express himself
- recognizes and writes own name
- reads accurately and confidently unseen books of average class level