Creative Movement |
- is able to move around and stop as instructed
- works in groups to make shapes, statue or movement
- is able to imitate different characters both literary and real life, or animals
- has a capacity to mime selected scenes from plays or from real life
Speech/Voice |
- is able to speak about himself/herself in front of an audience
- is able to give his/her opinion on others
- is able to produce different sound effects by imitating objects, animals and elements
- is able to create stories using Direct Speech
Improvisation |
- is able to navigate through various sitatuions, such as through obstacles, slippery floor etc
- is able to keep still in restricted space
- is able to watch, suggest and help out in groups
- makes use of simple props to create a story
Interpretation |
- is able to create real or imaginary characters through voice, movement and facial expressions
- is able to interact between created characters
- knows how to tell stories with the help of pictures
- recognizes different ways of making sounds e.g. Clapping, stamping
- shows interest in the song being taught
- pronounces the words of the song clearly
- is able to identify high and low sounds and to sing them accordingly
- uses appropriate facial expressions according to the mood of the song
- uses appropriate movements according to the mood of the song
- is aware that he/she is singing with others
- is able to keep the time or rhythm using a percussion instrument
- is able to clap rhythmically to the music
- recognizes how sounds are used to create a different mood or effect
- recognizes different instruments of an orchestra
- is able to communicate and express himself/herself through drawing
- is able to make simple structures in 3-D with some idea of form
- is aware of the variety and quality of colours in the environment
- able to make regular and irregular patterns and use them in his/her drawings
- is able to create pictures, models from imagination and observation
- is able to work in a group – practices group thinking
- is able to name different techniques and different tools used in sculpture, weaving, pottery, engraving etc.
- is able to use colour to express different emotions