Year 1 and 2 – Action plan 2
Learning outcomes are in line with those presented by the SfCE. We found them fruitful to attain the holistic development of the child.
Different modes of assessment were used in both Year 1 and Year 2. Different activities used target differentiation learning preferences among children.
More effort needs to be made during curriculum time to share good practices. (Lessons by subject teachers are planned in such a way to give opportunities for the teachers to meet and share – making time for such opportunities of sharing of good practices is recommended).
It would be great if we get to meet teachers from other schools, who teach the same age group, to share ideas.
Year 3 – 4 – Action Plan 2
Informative meetings with Ms Anglea Coppini were not held.
Teachers familiarised themselves with the MySchool Platform and feedback as related to progress was sent to the parents.
Challenges: It was discussed that parents can receive the feedback more regularly rather than at the end of each term (for example each assessment is sent home for parents).
Continuous assessment is done according to the LOs. Both orally or hands-on and written.
Daily schedules show the targeted LOs being covered. The LOs are shared with the pupils.
Assessment tasks are done as schoolwork.
One particular challenge is that when a child is sick for let’s say a whole week, the teacher finds difficulty to find time to assess on topics missed out.
During Ms.Claudia Farrugia’s CoPE session, educators shared good practices to boost confidence and motivation.
Students are given mental tests and prepared for exams by setting a time limit.
Year 5 and 6 – Action Plan 2
- Informative meetings by Ms Coppini were not held, nor were CoPE sessions on ongoing assessment carried out. However, the Year 4 and Year 5 teacher met with Ms Claire Vassallo to help them with planning examination papers
- Year 5 LOs were checked by the class teacher and match those on My School;
- Year 6 LOs are yet to be published – the teacher used the Los inputted on My School during previous years
- Continuous assessment was carried out through the year – marks were inputted on the My School platform
- Teachers are familiar with the LOs
- Target LOs are written on the Plan Book and they are shared orally with the students
- Assessment tasks carried out as a natural part of the lesson: H.W. and/or C.W.
- – Different modes of assessment are used;
– Educators share good practices;
– Students are being prepared for their exams through the working of ‘past papers’ and other assessments.