EWWR – Don’t throw away—use in another way! (21st – 25th November)

Having decided beforehand as to how our piece of art was going to look like, we set about creating it using the styrofoam packaging (JABLO), newspapers, sacks, brown paper and cardboard  brought to school by the students.  Everyone worked tirelessly during the whole week to see our design become a reality!  Besides,  our year 5 pupils also prepared an informative Powerpoint presentation about the harm styrofoam does to the environment, and parents were shown this information during our Parents’ Day.  Parents were also encouraged to opt for brands which use less styrofoam packaging.img_0341 img_0425 img_0427 img_0432 img_0484 img_0504 img_0505 img_0506 img_0508 img_0510 img_0512 img_0515 img_0517 img_0523 img_0527 img_0533 img_0535 img_0536 img_0538 img_0543 img_0545 img_0547